How to create online training for millennials
Written by SeekLMS Correspondent on 18 January 2023
Millennials or Generation Y are considered young people, born in the 1980s and who started their professional careers around the 2000s.
With different personalities and backgrounds, which complement each other through teamwork, the search and exchange of information, and the vision of opportunities. The interest is mutual.
Millennials are considered a demanding audience for the way they face the job market. For companies, they are a mix of ambition and opportunity.
Reaching millennials with online training follows the same rules as reaching adults in general, just adapting a few details that I indicate below:
Rule #1 for reaching millennials – Engagement
- Day-to-day applicability: training whose content has apparent value to the student is essential. For this, it is necessary that the subjects are related to the day to day of the company, or that they have the objective of leveraging the student professionally;
- Objectivity: the routine of this generation, which consumes information in different ways, and also performs several activities at the same time, favors its dispersion. So invest in objective content that keeps your audience engaged and focused. Gamification and storytelling are some models with positive results when it comes to online engagement. If it is necessary to include more in-depth information, make it available as supplementary content;
- Ease of Access: Simplify access to content. Any type of bureaucracy or difficulty will inhibit and discourage access.
Rule #2 for Reaching Millennials – Practice
In the case of millennials, if you offer courses that are aimed at long-term development, the audience will be frustrated that they don't see immediate results. Provide training that allows practical application after studies.
Rule #3 for reaching millennials – Feedback
Millennials are congratulated and given individualized attention from childhood.
It is essential for these employees to receive constant feedback, and online training is no different. Make it clear what is expected of them upon completion of training, record progress, track mastery of skills that have been developed, and provide feedback. It keeps them motivated.
We can conclude that millennials crave new skills, opportunities, and responsibilities.
Earn their trust by offering objective, practical, and constant feedback online training. Value them and worry about the future of your young team. Upon noticing your interest, millennials will have a deeper engagement with your company.
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